Now I can not write an entry of my blog, because I don't use PC at my home.
(I have to go to bed to keep my health, when I come back to my home)
iPhone enables to write blog. I often update my blog on the train. The following screenshot is "Hatena Touch" that is iPhone App for the Japanese blog service "Hatena".

With this App, I can modify existing entries, write drafts and post new entries.
That's really useful. Even though I'm a XOOPS Cube developer but use "Hatena". Because the environment that this App brings is very useful for my life style.

This shows me what I should do. Now, many great developers are there in XOOPS Cube community. They have enough passions and skills to develop XC.
Also I have passions to develop some software that enables to control XC with mobile gadget. Because I want to control my website with iPhone App. If such software doesn't exist, busy workers can not keep their site.
Therefore I want to develop such software.
I just re-started xmobile project at We will support Xoops, Xoops Cube and ImpressCMS. If you feel suitable as a modules for mobile gadget. Don't you join our project?
Sorry, if I have free time, I will want to join to your project for existing core. But, I don't have free time. So I have to cast very short time to core development. I will write some mechanism of the core, and some Apps on the mobile phone.
Don't mind. You might be make a new style application for Xoops Cube. It's good for xoops cube user.
This would be very useful
It is great that XOOPS Cube will orient to mobile gadget by using this you can modify existing entries, write drafts and post new entries. Thanks for this updated information.
Cool story as for me. I'd like to read more about this topic. The only thing I would like to see on that blog is some pictures of any gadgets.
Kate Stepman
Cell phone blocker
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