Sunday, December 23, 2007

XOOPS Cube Legacy 2.1.3 RC release

XOOPS Cube Legacy 2.1.3 RC have been released. This is a minor upgrade version, contains many bug fixes contributed by volunteers and implements some feature requests. RC means Release Candidate and becomes the stable version through your tests. Do test this RC and report, if you encounter troubles. If RC doesn't contain fatal issues, we will release the stable version at New Year's first week. You may write your reports on the sourceforge tracker, forums and local communities.

XC project requests administrator & hot users of the local communities: Do act the role of the proxy that reports local communities' reports to the project, please.

And, the project wishes that the minimism policy gets across to all users. It is freedom, but you may feel unenough because you can not receive enough services, if you think that Open Source projects should be like company. Anyway, it's important that each local community will do something for each country & region. Do discuss what role the local communities should act, in each local community.

Sorry! I'm too busy today, so I can't copy it to other sites and can't tell it to members.

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