Thursday, March 29, 2007

The best UV editor?

A designer said, "UV mapping is not difficult, but a troublesome task" in this page. The page expains that the most important thing for UV mapping is guts. lol

Many designers agree him. There are many UV mapping features of each product, but they don't have big difference. Everyone need guts and much time to do UV mapping.

Even if Modo's UV mapping feature is excellent very much, we can not use it in free time. Because, UV mapping uses much time of our free time.

Maybe, we should choose not UV mapping but direct 3D-painting. I think that Direct 3D-painting like BodyPaint 3D is the best solution for free-time projects, because it does not need to use much time editing UV points.

3D-painting features are implemented in many products. The most popular product of them is BodyPaint 3D. But, it's not reasonable for free-time projects, if you are not the rich. I am not the rich to pay $1000.0 to only direct 3D-painting feature.

Blender has such a feature like Modo's. At the beginning, we should try it.

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